Monday, May 31, 2004
So I'd say Happy Memorial Day, but that's a bit of an oxi-moron don't ya think? So it's Memorial Day and I have had a hectic week! I mean it's been over a week since I've posted!!!!
I don't even know where to begin!? My week was so hectic. I guess it started on Wednesday.
Wednesday: My dad went down the doctor because he wasn't feeling good and had some chest pains. I guess they were pretty concerned and got him in right away for testing. He had a minor heart attack the day before and was experiencing the affects from it. This whole day I wish I could have wiped off my memory. I had already had a rough lunch and then to come back to hear my dad had a heart attack pushed me over the edge and I had a hard time not crying. The girls in the office all prayed for me. After work I went to visit with my dad at Kaiser and he seemed fine. He even teased that he'd pay $50 for the first person to bring him a double double from In & Out. He said he'd tack on an extra $30.00 for a chocolate shake. Yeah right dad, ;) the jokester! But at that point I wasn't as afraid for him. I knew he was well enough to joke. They wanted to keep him overnight and do a stress test the next morning.
Since I was already down there I went to Sam's. I had borrowed 'Finding Nemo' since Sam's ex had taken it along with her belongings from his house (apparently she thought it was hers). So Sam and I watched that and I got home later than I would have liked.
Thursday: Since my manager knew it was an emotional day for me said I could come into work late. I decided that it would be a good time to go get my oil changed in my car since I would be driving down to Del Mar the next day. I didn't get to work till about 10. I didn't mind since we had a staff meeting down in LA that would run late and would make up for the lost hours. I found out my dad was able to go home from the hospital because all the tests came back negative! The power of prayer! Thursday was (if I remember correctly) a pretty mellow day, hectic because of rushing to get everything done by 2:30 so we could head out to LA, but pretty good. I rode with Sam and Jason and it took us a half an hour to find parking in downtown LA near One Wilshire. I took pictures so I'll post them as soon as I can. It was interesting being down at our new location down there. It'll be nice to see it again when it's completely set up. I know Carlos (the support manager) wasn't too thrilled with the setup. They had transferred the queue down to that location with nothing set up for the techs. It was a big mess for them since they had to take calls while we were having a meeting. I felt bad for them. :(
After the meeting I decided to hang out with Sam since I would be leaving for the weekend. Again it was a late night.
Friday: I woke up 2 hours late. I wanted to be up by 5am but didn't get out of bed till 7 which put my whole schedule back two hours. I left my house at 11 stopped by work at 12 and then got to Oceanside at around 2pm and dropped my stuff off at Holly's place.
I got to Del Mar around 3pm and checked in, got my staff shirt and had enough time to check out the booths that I'd be working around to get an idea of where everything was at. I ran into my friend Scott who owns Souldog clothing Co. It was really cool to see him again. There were A LOT of people there! I started my volunteering schedule at Bob Smiley's table. He is a Christian Comedian. I had never seen him but he seemed like a really cool guy. He seriously has that accent if you go to his page you'll hear it. I worked from 4pm - 9pm and I missed Anberlin and Jars of Clay! :( So I stayed for the late night shows. Warren Barfield performed who was impressive; just him and a guitar and a lot of personality. It made for a good starter show for me. I decided to stay and see the Bob Smiley show. He was really actually funny. His website doesn't really do him justice. After that I went home. It was about midnight and I got back to Oceanside and in bed at about 1am.
Saturday: I had to be back for my shift at 9am. I woke up at 7am and rushed out the door. I got there in just enough time. I was put on Jadyn Maria's booth. It was pretty dead because barely anyone had arrived. The concerts didn't start until later in the day. So I was pretty bored. I got done with my shift at 1pm and went to check out Warren Barfield again with Todd Agnew who was really good and did mostly worship songs! I ended up trying to find a place to sit in the stands but everyone had them saved for their friends. I met Gena Surowski which ended up being my adopted mother for the rest of the festival! She had a grandson with Cerebral Palsy like my nephew Derek and so we hit it off right away and she let me sit where her husband would in the disabled area since he wasn't able to get off of work. They own a store Pete's Music. I had a permanently good spot for every show that followed at the Grandstand Stage which of course was where all the main people played! I have a picture and I'll post it as soon as I can. So I got to see Jeremy Camp who was really good! He had his wife come on stage and sing with him which I thought was cute. I saw Jaci Velasquez who I had heard on Air 1 and have liked her music but I was very unimpressed with her performance. Maybe it was just an off day.
We had a bit of a break and then came tobyMac who happened to be my favorite entertainer of the entire festival. I mean there are the big guns that close out the shows but for his style of music I was rather entertained during his entire spot! I have video clips and hoping to post links to them, they'll be REALLY large but this band is the only reason I thought to post the links on my site! I had a lot of fun with this band! Then Jeremy Camp came back on for worship and Bob Lenz (doesn't have a site) was the speaker for the evening.
The closing band was Audio Adrenaline and of course ended the night with a bang! They are long time performers and didn't dissapoint at all! The whole crowd was into it! I got home and in bed earlier this night, I didn't really want to stay for any of the late night performers.
Sunday: I was able to sleep in till about 9am and got ready at my leisure. I left Holly’s around 11:00 I believe and went to lunch and got to the fairgrounds early enough to take my time for the first show I wanted to see which was Thousand Foot Krutch and a motorcycle stunt show! I have to say that I was more impressed with the motorcycle stunts but then again my taste in music has gone definitely more to the mellow side since I broke up with my ex who was in a hardcore band. But the stunts were awesome and I will have to show off those pictures and video as well!
My shift started at 2pm so I made my way back to the exhibit hall and was put on Pillar's booth. This was the most fun I've had because I was finally placed in a popular bands booth! Not only that they performed while I was working and ended up offering a presale contest to over 8,000 fans in the stadium! Needless to say after their show the line was seriously out the door to fill out the form! I had so much fun in the chaos! It was great! I even got to sneak out to see them perform (since I hadn't ever seen them before) and I really liked them! After my shift I was able to get back to my adopted mom's seat and hung out with them for the rest of the festival. I saw Relient K who I liked! Then Josh McDowell was the evening speaker. Then the Newsboys closed out the evening. They had an awesome (AWESOME) set and had an amazing message!
But when all was said and done I was anxious to get home! I rushed out to my car and stopped off in Oceanside and grabbed all my stuff and made my way back home. I actually did it in fairly good time! I got home around 12:30 and crashed HARD!
I had a blast at Spirit West Coast! It was definitely an adventure in itself being all by myself. I'll have to post pictures later because it's gonna take me forever to get through them all. And I will definitely volunteer for next year if the time allows!
Monday (Memorial Day): I woke up around 9am and showed my mom all the cds and t-shirts and sweatshirts I bought and the pictures I took. I showered and Sam came down to hang out. He had spent the weekend up at his aunts house so it wasn't much to stop off at my place. We went out to eat and then did some shopping. I had him come with me to check on the house that I'm watching while the family is on vacation. We got back to my place and I showed him all the pictures and video. He showed me his pictures of his aunt's farm animals. My favorites were of the sheep! I'll have to post the links when I can. He had to head back down so he could get home and there was a bunch of traffic from the weekend. My dad offered to let him stay the night at our place which shocked Sam and I both! But he decided to try his luck and ended up having a fairly smooth trip home. All-in-all it was a great weekend!
Well it's REALLY late and I have to get up early tomorrow. I had a great weekend and today was a great end to my weekend!
posted by Charity at 5/31/2004 09:38:00 PM
Saturday, May 22, 2004
It's Saturday morning and I'm stuck again at work. I'm not too thrilled about it. I just wish I'd start my stupid period and be done with it. I can tell I'm moody.
Yesterday I went to a graduation party. My friends Steve and Julie Finnigan, and Steve's mom Leslie Craven all graduated with their Associates Degrees. Drew and Heather, a couple of my youth kids, got their Associates as well. It made me anxious to get back into school and finish my B.A. Unfortunately at this point working at linkLINE makes it near impossible to go to school. I am hoping that maybe in a year when Brian can hire me back on at SCIDCO/drivenIT I can take some time and get my BA done. I love school! I never even celebrated my Associates Degree because I always knew it was just the halfway mark. I was proud of myself for getting there but didn't feel the need to walk.
There is a bunch of babies coming into my life. My new niece or nephew who's due on June 26th. Diane is having a baby around closer to the beginning of July. My friend Melissa should be having her baby at any moment. Speaking of which I should call and find out how she's doing.
Well I should get busy. Bye
posted by Charity at 5/22/2004 09:02:00 AM
Wednesday, May 19, 2004
So this is only the 2nd day that I've done it but I feel great! I've been getting up at about 4:30 depending on when I realize that the alarm is not part of my dream ;) and going to the gym! I feel good and it feels doable. I know a lot of people get wide-eyed when I say 4:30 and yes that is in the A.M. but I was waking up at 5am to get ready by 6am to be at work by 7am. So what is a half an hour really? I mean it forces me to go to bed early. And for once in a LONG time I am not thoroughly depressed with my weight, and it's because I'm actually doing something about it. Of course I have my fears and doubts, but I'm not going to let them rule me. I will commit to this like I have to these past 21 days of my 40 day commitment. I can do this! I'm really excited! It gives me a lot of energy. And to top it off, I finally got to the tanning salon! I'm a little red lobster since I haven't been in forever. Tanning was something I've wanted to do but didn't make a priority of it. And it still isn't really a priority but I feel better when I'm tan for some reason and since I'm all about working on how I feel when I look in the mirror, why not add a 20 minute tan every other day to the mix? hehe
Also I've taken responsibility of reaching out to others. I was resentful to my brother-in-law over something I had heard he had said about me. I called him this morning to say sorry and ask forgiveness for not coming to him when I first heard it to make sure it was valid for one and another to remedy the situation. It turns out it was like 3 years ago that he even felt that way and has said I've done A LOT of growing in the last year and his opinion of me is so much more. So all-in-all it worked out great.
I am trying to confirm with my friend Andie that we'll be able to do lunch together on Sunday after church. It was her birthday the 8th of May but our schedules are just not mixing well. She is a friend that I care for dearly but have lost touch with. She, Rachel and I were considered the 3 Musketeers in our youth group. We always hung out together! So I'm hoping to get her to commit to lunch and I'm going to surprise her by taking her to Red Robin and Rachel will be there with balloons and gifts. That was something we always did for each of our birthdays, but with the two of them married and my schedule it just hasn't worked out. So here's hoping!
Well I promised myself I would work on the logos that need to be completed. So far there are officially 2 logos I have to make. One is for my brother's company. I used to do web design but it wasn't paying enough or consistently enough, and that's when I got the job at linkLINE. So Scidco's new name is now 'Driven IT'. I really like the name and have some good ideas for a logo. The other is for a Professor at Azusa Pacific University that has "Battle of the Books" and he was shown my work and really wants me to play with a logo. This one is tougher because he's looking for more of a cartoon character and I don't draw... But I will do my best. I have a site to make as well but haven't gotten the particulars of that. I'm just taking the graphic stuff one step at a time. I pulled out for a while but God seems to be opening doors in this direction. I'm just doing what I can and waiting to see what happens. Ok so after all that... I need to get going.
posted by Charity at 5/19/2004 07:55:00 PM
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Coolpar! Isn't that a great word!? I just said it instead of carpool! That's dyslexia at its best! Anyways, I got a kick out of myself when I said that and I decided that I had to share it! :)
posted by Charity at 5/18/2004 12:44:00 PM
Monday, May 17, 2004
I'm home from work. So where was I? Oh yeah great movie. Yeah I really liked it. I hardly noticed that it was 2 hrs and 45min! We ended up getting out of the theater at 1am! My brother and I drove home and I crashed at about 2am. Either way I highly recommend going to see “Troy”.
The next morning I woke up for church rather rested considering how many hours of sleep I got. Church was really good! The service was a ministry thing, where we have words for edifying each other, it's more the people of the church spoke and not just the pastor. There were some pretty intense moments! I can't really explain it. You could tell God was moving and that people were hearing what He had to say.
After the service I went down to Sam's parents’ house. It was a family hang-out for Ludak's last Sunday here in California for the next 3 months. The food was great! I was lucky enough to have Sam's dad check out my air conditioner to find out what could fix it. He says it's the whole compressor which bites cause that's $$$$. But oh well. I need it and I want it fixed. He's going to price it for me and let me know.
I got home early enough to be in bed shortly after 10! Thank God!
I woke up in a horrible mood though... I knew I was heading to work on a task that I had barely been shown on Friday and I had to do it all by myself with the little notes I got. I got to work and found an email that was rather funny and made my day! Marc Benzakein wrote an email about results being in. It was a picture of a pregnancy test! Jess is pregnant! It made my morning! How exciting! I know they are cautious. But how wonderful that they moved to start a family and just when they're mostly done getting their house together they find out they are getting that family they were hoping to start! I had a huge smile on my face especially when I got a chance to talk to Marc and see how excited he was. I can't wait to go visit them early next year and meet the little one! Well then I had to face reality of the reconciliation. It took a while and there were a lot of frustrating moments but I got the bank reconciliation to balance. YAY!
The rest of my day was pretty mellow.
So now I need to go read, journal and pray...
posted by Charity at 5/17/2004 06:12:00 PM
So I have to call a customer back in 5 minutes to make a payment. I decided to take a few minutes and write in my blog since there's really not a lot I can do in 5 minutes and I haven't taken either of my 15 minute breaks today. (Sounds more like I'm trying to convince myself it's ok to be doing this on the clock huh? ;) I think so too)
Either way I had a full fun weekend! After cleaning my room and doing all the around the house things Saturday my brother and I headed down to take the couch down to Sam along with his PartyLite stuff he ordered from my last party. Doug (his brother) was there brewing beer. Sam doesn't drink but has a constantly air conditioned house due to his cats, and apparently this type of brewing needs a constant cool temperature. So it was interesting to see Doug's make-shift brewing case and to see how it worked. We then went out to eat and headed to the theater for "Troy". We got there for the late showing so Doug ended up just going home. It was a GREAT movie!!! I really liked it.
Well it's time to call the customer and I have to run to the bank. I'll try to write more about my weekend later.
posted by Charity at 5/17/2004 04:24:00 PM
Saturday, May 15, 2004
With this new layout for Blogger I see that this is my 100th post! Wow! Well I better make it impressive. ;)
I should be at the Renaissance Fair but Sam and I both agreed that finances are such that we should not be splurging on days like that. I have still been playing catch-up from my trip to Africa and he just bought a new car and needs furniture for his place. After getting over the disappointment of not getting to go for yet another year, I am actually glad for the time off. I have not been able to sleep in on a Saturday for I don't know how long. Sundays' as of late have been considered my sleep-in day and even then I have to wake up by 7:30 to be at church.
It’s been a fun couple days. I have been having fun at work these last few days. I’m not sure if it’s my attitude change or a change in the atmosphere of work. It’s been a nice break though. I now get to go into work at 8 am instead of 7 am. The overtime is no longer mandatory; they expected the projects to take longer. I have maybe one more Saturday to put in and we should be caught up in all the projects. So that’ll be good.
I have decided to start going to the gym at 5am along with my brother. We have two different gyms, but he’ll help me wake up. I have wanted to do this for a while, but since work has been wanting me there at 7 it’s been hard. I’m looking forward to the challenge of making that commitment to get up every morning. I have also decided that I want to take more time out for my family and friends. I have kept so busy that I only ever have time for Sam. I’m going to make sure to take my nieces and nephews to movies and days out. I want to go hang out with friends that I haven’t seen in forever because work keeps me too busy. I guess you could say I have lots of plans; I won’t bore you with. : )
Today I slept in till 10 am!!! It was wonderful! I was out till 2am but oh well. ;) I got 8 hours of sleep for the first time in forever! I got my PartyLite stuff yesterday so I went through and separated everyone’s things and set up my stuff and the stuff I got my mom for Mother’s Day. I seriously love candles!
Now I’m going to clean my bathroom, shave, get ready and maybe go tanning. My brother and I are going to drive down to take Sam a futon couch and then maybe catch a movie (most likely ‘Troy’). It should be fun. I don’t think I mentioned that Brian and I were going to take it down last Saturday but as we were moving it a huge printer fell on top of Brian’s foot! It swelled so much it didn’t look normal! It ballooned! I took him down to Keiser and they ex-rayed his foot and said everything looked ok. It’s still really black and blue and scrapped up. Either way that put a damper on my plans last Saturday. I was supposed to go into work that morning. I didn’t get to work till 2pm and only worked for 4 hours.
Well I should get going. I guess this was just a babbling session. I’ll write more hopefully soon.
posted by Charity at 5/15/2004 01:33:00 PM
Wednesday, May 12, 2004
I'm on my lunch break and it's been a while since I've updated the blog...
So this morning I had a close call on the freeway down to work. I did something extremely stupid and almost got myself in an accident. As I was still trying to catch my breath a truck drove up next to me and the passenger gave me a look like "yeah I could imagine what you're feeling." I was shaking my head like "I can't believe I just did that!" What's worse is knowing that it was my stupidity that almost got me into an accident! I seriously beat myself up the whole way down to work. Don't you hate that!?! Well needless to say the rest of the way down to work I was not an aggressive defensive driver, I was a VERY passive driver... hehe
Today will be Day 15 of my commitment to read "A Purpose Driven Life", journal, pray and worship after God. And well I can see a change in my heart. I feel closer to Jesus then I have in a long time. I can actually feel his presence in my life. I am more aware of God's work in my life. It feels good. I am excited to see where God will take me by the time the 40 days are up.
I also got my 90 day raise at work. So this next pay period I will be getting more. I'm really excited about that. They've told me that they don't need as much overtime and I am SOOOOOOOOO not complaining about that.
And since I actually have Saturday off Sam and I and possibly Sasha are going to the Renaissance Fair! I have NEVER been and have ALWAYS wanted to go! All my old Goth friends would talk about it and I never got the opportunity. Sam has wanted to go and hasn't gone in like 4 years! So it should be fun. I'm really excited about checking it out.
I feel like I'm getting back into a good routine at work. I'm getting projects down and my speed up. And I am getting more organized in my work and my personal life. My billing manager, Rita, got me motivated to get all my appointments (physicals, hair, eyes, and teeth) worked out. I have a hair appointment this next Tuesday and I have a doctor’s appointment for July 7th. I have to get a pap. :( This will be my first. I know some people freak when I say that because I am already 26. But I already spoke to my doctor who said if I'm not sexually active and have normal period cycles I shouldn't need to worry about getting tested. And I was grateful not to have to get one. It wasn't till I talked to my friend Angie that I decided to go through with it because whether I'm sexually active or not it's good to have something to base normality on if something does come up ya know? So I'm gonna get that out of the way. I want to make an appointment to get my eyes checked out. I need new lenses (so I might as well make sure they are the right perscription) and I have already ordered a new frame. And then I have my wisdom teeth. I need them pulled and since I have had insurance for a year now I should really get that done ASAP! So I guess that's my projects for the summer. :) Get all my appointments worked out.
And at the end of this month I will be going to Spirit West Coast! I’m really looking forward to it. I will be volunteering at artist’s merchandize tables. And it’s only about 4 hours every day to give up and then you get to go watch as many shows as you want to. I’m think it’ll be fun. And I need some contacts for planning concerts at my church. :) I'll be staying with a friend that lives in Oceanside which is only 20 minutes away from where the festival will be.
Anyways, I have some calls to make before my lunch break is done.
posted by Charity at 5/12/2004 12:31:00 PM
Monday, May 10, 2004
Carlos sent this to me, Click Here. I thought it was cool till I found out a program can create this with ease. Oh well. It's still interesting enough to post.
And Blogger totally changed things around and it's taking me a while to get used to it. I think I like it but wow... it's totally different! Not that you guys can see the difference but when I edit it everything has changed. I look forward to playing around with it more. But now I have to run to the bank. :)
posted by Charity at 5/10/2004 04:31:00 PM
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Well I finally got more space on my website. :) Thanks to Tim, the most awesome, wonderful webmaster ever at linkline. Sorry Keith, I hadn't really gotten to know you when I started working before you quit or I'm sure you'd be the absolute most awesome, wonderful webmaster ever! ;)
Anyways, so here are a few pictures on Easter and then a few from when my family went to DisneyLand on April 29th, 2004. My memory stick gave me problems so this is pretty much the beginning of the day.
Easter 04 My sister Heidi, my mom and Me | Best Friends Erin, Becky and Megan | Heidi, Rach, me and Erika |  |  |  | Best Friends Forever Me and Rach | DisneyLand Papa, Megan and Bailey | Dad and Heidi |  |  |  | Me, Bailey, Megan and my mom | Megan, Bailey, Lilo and Heidi | Megan, Stitch, Bailey and Me |  |  |  | Dad and his aching feet | Me, Megan and Bailey in our 3D glasses |  |  |
posted by Charity at 5/06/2004 11:15:00 AM
Sunday, May 02, 2004
Well I'm enjoying a relaxing Sunday. After church I ran and got a couple necessary toiletries, lotion, mouse, etc. When I got home I took a nice nap and woke up and went with my brother down to Ontario Mills to go do our standard Sunday evening movie (which with our schedules has been happening less and less but when we're both at home we'll go). We went to eat at Applebee’s and then went to see ‘Envy’ which was funny but a bit slow at times.
So I’m looking forward to a pampering night. I am going to moisturize my hair which is damaged pretty bad and I don’t have the opportunity to go get my hair done for another couple weeks. I’m going to do a French manicure, facial mask, maybe even a pedicure if I have the time. I’ve still got to read, journal and pray which will come first. I’ve been doing pretty good keeping up on my 40 day commitment. Mind you it is only the first week, I think today is day 5 but hey, that’s pretty good.
I was going to upload some pictures but I guess it's not letting me. I will have to talk to the webmaster on Monday and see what's going on. I know I have a ton of pictures on the server and that might be the problem. Oops. :)
Well I'm gonna go pamper myself! :)
posted by Charity at 5/02/2004 07:42:00 PM